Just a reminder that we're having a test at the beginning of class on April 13th. It's worth 15% of your overall grade, and will cover everything we've studied since I took over class on March 9th:
- Utilitarianism (John Stuart Mill)
- Kant's Ethics (Immanuel Kant)
- Race and Gender (Susan Sherwin and Annette Dula readings)
- Stem-Cell Research (President's Council on Bioethics, Pontifical Academy, and Michael Sandel readings)
- Genetic Screening for Disabilities (Jeff McMahan and Dena Davis readings)
- Homosexual Parenting (Gillian Hanscombe reading)
- Cloning (Leon Kass and Carson Strong readings)
- Scarce Medical Resources (George Annas reading)
You will have about 50 minutes to take the test. The format of the test will be mostly a mix of multiple choice questions and short answer questions. There will also be one 2-paragraph essay question, and one or two extra credit questions.
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