March 23: Race & Gender
-Susan Sherwin (pgs. 253-258) ← sample consensus session
-Annette Dula (pgs. 258-264) ← in class informal group work
-optional: (pgs. 211-214, 223-227)
March 30: Embryonic Stem Cells & Genetic Control
-President’s Council on Bioethics (pgs. 312-316)
-Pontifical Academy (pgs. 316-317)
-Michael Sandel (pgs. 318-319) ← in class informal group work
-optional: (pgs. 270-288)
-Jeff McMahan (pgs. 333-337)
-Dena Davis (pgs. 337-346) ← group presentation 4
April 6: Reproductive Control, Cloning, & Scarce Medical Resources
-Gillian Hanscombe (pgs. 406-409) ← group presentation 5
-Leon Kass (pgs. 438-443)
-Carson Strong (pgs. 443-447) ← in class informal group work
-George Annas (pgs. 500-504) ← group presentation 6
-optional: (pgs. 377-383, 457-462)
April 13: The Economics of Health Care
-TEST (on ethical theories, race & gender, stem cells, genetic control, reproductive control, cloning, & medical resources)
-New York Times synopsis of U.S. Healthcare Reform (handout)
-Allen Buchanan (pgs. 525-529) ← in class informal group work
-William Custer, Charles Kahn, & Thomas Wildsmith (pgs. 534-536) ← group presentation 7
-Paul Krugman (pgs. 533-534)
-optional: (pgs. 512-519)
April 20: Abortion
-Mary Anne Warren (pgs. 586-594) ← in class informal group work
-Don Marquis (pgs. 594-598) ← group presentation 8
-optional: (pgs. 546-559)
April 27: Impaired Infants
-Tristram Engelhardt (pgs. 646-650)
-John Robertson (pgs. 639-645) ← group presentation 9
-Robert Weir (pgs. 651-657) ← in class informal group work
-optional: (pgs. 624-630)
May 4: Euthanasia
-Daniel Callahan (pgs. 706-711) ← group presentation 10
-Daniel E. Lee (pgs. 722-725)
-James Rachels (pgs. 725-729) ← in class informal group work
-Winston Nesbitt (pgs. 729-732)
-optional: (pgs. 682-689)
-review for Final Exam
May 11: Final Exam

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