Friday, March 18, 2011

Group Presentations: 8:00 Class

Here are the groups for your presentations.  First, these 3 groups have already presented:
  1. Informed Consent: Jamie, John, Leigh
  2. Truth & Confidentiality: Jaclyn M., Mary, Quentin
  3. HIV & AIDS: Katie, Kasey, Sharohn, Tabatha
Next, here are the groups who have yet to go, along with the date of each presentation, whether your group has chosen to do a consensus session or a research presentation (or hasn't decided yet), and the article your group is assigned to if you've chosen the consensus session:
  1. Genetic Control (March 30th): Anthony, Dominique, Kari, Kelin
    -CONSENSUS: article by Michael Sandel on pgs. 318-319
  2. Reproductive Control (April 6th): Alysia, Christina L., Mark, Tia
    -CONSENSUS: article by Gillian Hanscombe on pgs. 406-409
  3. Medical Resources (April 6th): Lauren M., Melissa, Renee
  4. Health-Care Costs (April 13th): Chris, Jacquelyn C., Trupti
    -CONSENSUS: article by Custer, Kahn, & Wildsmith on pgs. 534-536
  5. Abortion (April 20th): Amanda, Kelly, Liz
  6. Impaired Infants (April 27th): no one?
  7. Euthanasia (May 4th): Gary, Jessica, Kiyomi, Lauren P., Lindsey
If your name isn't on this list, please let me know as soon as possible so we can figure out what group you're in. 

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